8 Gunmen That Went Postal

When it comes to cases of individuals who have chosen to go on a violent rampage, the term “going postal” has become synonymous with these acts of aggression. Originating from a series of incidents in the 1980s where postal workers in the United States committed mass shootings, the term has since been used to describe any situation where an individual goes on a killing spree in a public place. Here, we take a look at 8 gunmen who went postal, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

1. John Hennigan

John Hennigan

John Hennigan, a disgruntled former employee, went on a shooting rampage at a post office in California in 2006, killing 7 people before taking his own life.

2. Patrick Sherrill

Patrick Sherrill

Patrick Sherrill, a postal worker in Oklahoma, went on a shooting spree at his workplace in 1986, killing 14 coworkers before turning the gun on himself.

3. Jennifer San Marco

Jennifer San Marco

Jennifer San Marco, a former postal worker, went on a shooting spree at a mail processing plant in California in 2006, killing 7 people before committing suicide.

4. Thomas McIlvane

Thomas McIlvane

Thomas McIlvane, a former postal worker in New Jersey, went on a shooting rampage at a post office in 1991, killing 14 coworkers before taking his own life.

5. Michael McDermott

Michael McDermott

Michael McDermott, an employee at a software company in Massachusetts, went on a shooting spree in 2000, killing 7 coworkers in a fit of rage.

6. Terry Barton

Terry Barton

Terry Barton, a former Forest Service employee in Colorado, set fire to thousands of acres of forest land in 2002, resulting in the deaths of 6 firefighters.

7. James Huberty

James Huberty

James Huberty, a former security guard, went on a shooting spree at a McDonald’s in California in 1984, killing 21 people before being shot dead by police.

8. Robert Sartin

Robert Sartin

Robert Sartin, a former employee at a steel plant in Kentucky, went on a shooting rampage in 2008, killing 6 coworkers before being apprehended by police.

These individuals, driven by anger, resentment, or a desire for revenge, unleashed violence on unsuspecting victims, leaving behind a trail of devastation that forever altered the lives of those affected. Their actions serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked aggression and the devastating consequences that can result from a moment of unchecked rage.

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